How to care for your dog’s physical and mental health

How to care for your dog’s physical and mental health
The three C’s to efficiency
The three C’s to efficiency
From sick and stressed to healthy and happy
5 tips to reduce job-related tension
Dogs are friendly, loyal animals that make our lives better. They offer us companionship, love, and utter friendship. But, did you know that owning a dog actually had real health benefits? And not just physical ones. They’re also great for our mental health, and all in all, just make the quality of our life better. They bring happiness to the…
Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers! Motherhood as a path to enlightenment is a choice. When you consciously choose to use motherhood as a spiritual path, your entire relationship with mothering makes a profound shift. I know that once I made that choice my relationships with my children, their father, and people at large became more peaceful, less of a…
I AM ENOUGH. You don’t need to strive to become worthier, more accepted, or more loved. You are all of those things already – just as you are. There are things you may want to be more of. More open, more honest, more authentic, more limitless, or more purposeful. These, are not expressions of your “enough-ness.” On the contrary, they’re…
Who doesn’t want to be happy? Aside from just feeling better on a daily basis, there is even scientific research to show us that being happy has concrete health and life benefits. As researchers point out, “Positive emotions contribute to important downstream life outcomes, including friendship development, marital satisfaction, higher incomes and better physical health. People who experience frequent positive emotions…