Move closer to your goals

Move closer to your goals
7 healthy ways to nourish your skin type With natural, effective ways to care for any skin type, the days of over-scrubbing and stripping our faces with harsh chemicals are gone. Instead, using personalized, natural products can actually heal your skin. Here are seven remedies that could already be waiting in your cabinets: Tea for too-agitated skin Green or…
Get healthy, glowing skin with this all-natural exfoliate Getting rid of dead skin by exfoliating with a face scrub reduces dirt buildup, bacteria and dead skin in the pores. It also helps eliminate whiteheads. This DIY face scrub contains all natural ingredients that can help you achieve those results. Face scrub, or a facial scrub, is a gentle exfoliating cleanser. It…
Prevent serious physical and mental effects of chronic stress Stress: we all deal with it. Yet we know how much better off we’d be, both physically and mentally, if we could only get it under control. We need stress relievers that really work. We know stress can be a positive, motivating factor at times such as when you’re under pressure…
While I still have a long way to go before landing a syndicated “Dear Abby” type of column, my travels, explorations of scientific research (I’m a science journalist!), and countless hours of introspection have led me to some definite mojo truths. Every day when I spring out of bed in the morning, I tap into these five nuggets of…
My childhood unfolded in the last few years BC (Before Computers). However, my own children and my students have lived their entire lives with bleeps and buzzes and signals from multiple channels of information. Parents and teachers alike worry about the impact that constant multitasking is having on children’s developing brains. Kids—digital natives—swim comfortably in the floods of information and…
5 expert tips to manifesting gratitude everyday By now, you’ve successfully navigated the holidays and re-entered the daily grind. Some people even experience a post-holiday slump. Through these transitions, it can be easy to forget how lucky we are to have the precious gift of life. Practicing the law of attraction can bring to light all that the universe offers us. Being…
Changing lifestyle rituals for better quality rest You may call yourself a night owl, or think you’ve achieved so much more the past year by working long into the midnight hours. If so, you are falling behind on your science and your productivity. Cognitive function can be damaged by even a little lost sleep, and it can affect our overall…
How the Law of Least Effort can help you be the most successful “Acceptance looks like a passive state, but in reality, it brings something entirely new into this world. That peace, a subtle energy vibration, is consciousness.” —Eckhart Tolle How much of your energy did you feel you spent fighting or struggling last year? In our culture, it’s actually…