Are you treating yourself right?

Are you treating yourself right?
“Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have.” —Robert Holden What To Do: Loving yourself is a conscious decision that needs to be made every day. How you begin your day can set the tone for how the rest of your day goes and the power lies in positive thinking. Start your day with…
Move through self-doubt and on to mastery
Why positive affirmations don’t always work
Talk back to the negative voice in your head with these tactics I know why I walk with a limp. It’s because my legs are different lengths. So who is it that shrieks at me every time I cross a room: You ugly, graceless, clumsy cripple? My inner critic, that’s who. The trouble with our inner critics is that they…
How to know that it’s a sign
Few states of mind are farther apart than pure art and self-promotion.
True happiness requires knowing the real “you”.
3 techniques on how to build your self esteem.