New evidence explains how horror films command attention

New evidence explains how horror films command attention
We can’t know what happens in the “unknown” if we allow fear to prevent us from going there. —Rose Caiola What To Do: Close your eyes, clear your mind, and meditate on one thing you’re fearful of right now. Maybe it’s starting the next chapter of your life; maybe it’s a change you’ve been afraid to make or a…
A mini-guide to feeling safe all by yourself
Learn how to know who you are so you know who you can be
Continuing with the same approach often doesn’t work
3 Ways to train your inner hero
Phobias developed during our lifetimes may be passed on to our children
I recently got the opportunity to speak with the fascinating Dr. Alice Boyes, an emotions expert, speaker and author of the new book The Anxiety Toolkit: Strategies for Fine-Tuning Your Mind and Moving Past Your Stuck Points . In the book, Dr. Boyes tackles a number of relatable issues stemming from anxiety, including perfectionism, fear of criticism, hesitancy and…