Confronting the Stigma of Mental Illness

Confronting the Stigma of Mental Illness

Out of nowhere, something like an ocean crashes on top of you, burying you in the deep. Your sudden impossible depth, the smothering weight, means your next gasp will be your last. Your brain screams of death’s imminence. While the clock at your bedside, or in your car, or on your workplace computer shows time ticking faithfully by, that initial…

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The Power of Your Emotional Attitudes Upon Your Entire Being

The Power of Your Emotional Attitudes Upon Your Entire Being

By Douglas LaBier, Ph.D. In a previous post I described new research showing that a sense of purpose in life is linked with greater longevity. That’s just one of an increasing number of studies that add to the recognition that we are biological-psychological-spiritual-social beings. All dimensions—internal and external—interact with each other and shape our total experience of life: our overall health, level…

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The Long-Term Effects of Childhood Bullying

The Long-Term Effects of Childhood Bullying

Janine was the biggest bully in my elementary school—and she was assigned to the desk next to mine in fifth grade. Short and obese with cropped black hair and bulging black eyes, she wore a constant sneer beneath her olive complexion. We were complete opposites: I loved school and excelled in it; Janine hated it and did poorly. I wore…

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Another Reason to Love Ping-Pong

Another Reason to Love Ping-Pong

I have many a fond memory of spending summer afternoons and evenings with my dad and neighbors playing Ping-Pong on a regulation table set up in my driveway. Whether competitive tournaments that attracted everyone under the age of 12 on my block or relaxing volleys with my parents, it was always fun. But I never imagined that what seemed like…

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