5 Affirmations To Live In Abundance

5 Affirmations To Live In Abundance

How to rewire your brain for a fruitful life We’re always looking for new ways to add prosperity to our lives – whether it’s financial security, career advancement or some type of personal fulfillment. Affirmations for abundance can advance this process, with their ability to rewire your brain and use the Law of Attraction to bring better things your way.…

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Grow Your Joy: Nurturing Plants

Grow Your Joy: Nurturing Plants

And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair. —Kahlil Gibran   This week’s mental workout is about enjoying the feeling of being grounded in nature while in the comfort of your own home. What To Do Seek beauty when you are out and about. Adorn your home…

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