Every day, more people are switching to plant-based diets for many different reasons. Some people make the switch to ensure they are eating healthier, more natural foods. Others want to stop or reduce the amount of animal foods they eat on a daily basis. If you would like to see a few more reasons before making the change, we present you 4 good reasons to incorporate plant-based foods into your diet.

1. Heart Health

Eating plant-based foods can significantly lower the risk of developing heart disease. Researchers have concluded that people who eat fruits and vegetables are 30% less likely to have a heart attack or stroke. The amount recommended is around eight servings a day, so be sure to add fruits and veggies to breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

2. Weight Loss

Everybody knows adding plant-based foods can help with weight-loss but keep in mind you don’t necessary have to completely eliminate meats from your diet. If you find it difficult to stop eating meats, try reducing to two or three times per week first and, then, gradually phasing them out of your menu. Plant-based protein supplements can also be helpful for the majority of weight-loss diets.

3. Skin Care

Smooth and beautiful skin can be achieved from plant-based foods. Some fruits contain pigments and phytochemicals which, along vitamins and minerals, can contribute to healthy skin. For example, citrus fruit contains vitamin C, known to help smooth wrinkles and boost collagen production.

4. Hypertension

Eating a diet with plant-based foods can help lower blood pressure and control hypertension. Studies have shown that high-level consumption of fruits and veggies, particularly vitamin C and potassium, are associated with a significantly lower risk of hypertension.

This article originally appeared on Lucky Blog and is republished here with permission.

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