How to Create Your Path for 2017

As January comes to a close, it’s easy for your New Year intentions to fall by the wayside. Well, I’m here to remind you to stay the course. Remember new habits don’t form until you’ve rehearsed them and practiced them so often that they become automatic. It’s easy to listen to those voices inside your head telling you to give up, and turn back because change is too hard. Don’t listen! Change is possible and you are so worth it!! Do one thing for me; ask yourself this question, “Has your past life, past habits worked for you so far?” I bet not. So what do you have to lose? The energy you put in is the energy you’ll get back.

According to a study from the University of Scranton, compiled by Statistic Brain Research Institute, only nine percent of people who make a New Year’s resolution are able to meet their goal.

Why are so many people unsuccessful meeting their New Year’s resolutions?


The reason is that most of the time we choose unrealistic goals, or resolutions, assuming we can just change overnight – somehow becoming a completely different person. In reality change happens in baby steps, one day at a time. When we set such a high standard, it usually backfires; so we’re essentially setting ourselves up for failure.

If you’ve ever felt like a failure, then you know what I’m talking about – it doesn’t feel good! And it’s a hard position to change. Once you feel it, not only does your resolution go down the drain, but it also ruins the chances for you to set a goal later on in the year.

Don’t beat yourself up if you aren’t where you want to be. There’s a reason only nine percent of people are successful with their New Year’s resolutions. Making resolutions stick involves breaking old habits and creating new ones, which is not easy to do.

What is the secret to success?


Rather than procrastinating, try things out before you commit. For example, if you want get in the habit of running, don’t set a goal that you’ll run 10 miles every week. Try it first and see if it’s something you want to commit to. Go for short runs and see if it’s a realistic goal.

If you are serious about turning your life around, start today with these three simple steps.

1. Visualize who you want to be

By having more positive visualizations, you can rewire your brain to create more positive thoughts. When you surround yourself with reminders of your dreams, your life will change to match them.

2. Define your intentions toward a specific goal

Ask yourself: What do I want my life to look like? What kind of person do I want to be? Am I happy with my career or relationship? Get as detailed as you can about what you want to change.

3. Set practical steps to get you there

For example, if you want to make more money, you can make it a goal to save $10 a week – or whatever is in your budget. Over time you will notice that you have acquired a nice savings, and as a result, your confidence will grow.

I’m committed to seeing you succeed with seeing your intention through this year, so to help you stay on track I’m giving away my downloadable toolkit: A Guide To Mindfulness: How To Stay Present and Find Balance in 2017 (valued at $50) for a limited time. The toolkit will help you stay focused in your day-to-day activities and stay peacefully connected to the present.

Start your journey today!
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Are you ready to create positive lasting change? Join me, and create the path you want for 2017!

Rose Caiola
Inspired. Rewired.

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