How (Not) to Get the Guy

How (Not) to Get the Guy

With all the advice columns, psychological studies, and love gurus out there today, there’s a ton of conflicting advice—and it can be confusing and overwhelming to sort through it. Some say play hard to get and follow “the rules” to get the love life you want, while others advocate the assertive, go-after-what-you-want approach. So before you start strategizing and trying…

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The Long-Term Effects of Childhood Bullying

The Long-Term Effects of Childhood Bullying

Janine was the biggest bully in my elementary school—and she was assigned to the desk next to mine in fifth grade. Short and obese with cropped black hair and bulging black eyes, she wore a constant sneer beneath her olive complexion. We were complete opposites: I loved school and excelled in it; Janine hated it and did poorly. I wore…

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Practice Patience

Practice Patience

By Anneli Rufus In a recent study, people were asked to choose between winning a small prize immediately and larger prizes they would have to wait several weeks to claim. Perhaps unsurprisingly, 70 percent chose the smaller-sooner prize. But follow-up questioning revealed that those who chose to wait treasured their rewards more highly than those who claimed their prize immediately—even…

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What Animals Can Teach Us About Love

What Animals Can Teach Us About Love

I will get to the lovesick goat, but not yet. First, let’s talk about cat videos. A few years ago, I attended a conference on using technology for good. At a session about promoting citizenship through the use of the Internet, someone asked the speaker about YouTube. The man said, despondently, that half of YouTube was videos of cats flushing…

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Can You Handle Criticism?

Can You Handle Criticism?

By Anneli Rufus A total stranger about whose business establishment I had written an article emailed me the night after it was published, alleging that my article was “mostly erroneous.” For a horrified split-second I wondered how this could be, as (1) I’m a conscientious professional—not perfect, sure, but too careful after having written thousands of articles to get one…

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4 Ways to Help Kids Who Feel Left Out

4 Ways to Help Kids Who Feel Left Out

Not getting invited to a party. Being picked last for a pickup basketball game. Not getting a joke that everyone around you is cracking up over. Almost everybody has experiences like these from time to time. And usually we get over it…unless it becomes a recurring pattern. Often, parents need to step in to help kids who feel left out.…

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How Childhood Trauma Affects Adult Health 

How Childhood Trauma Affects Adult Health 

Do the aftereffects of traumatic events we suffered as children follow us into adulthood in a physical way? Research about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) proves that enormous childhood stress absolutely leads to increased potential for adult illness and disease. The original Adverse Childhood Experience study (conducted from 1995 to 1997) examined the link between childhood trauma and the likelihood of…

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Male Sexuality: Why Women Don’t Understand It and Men Don’t Either

Male Sexuality: Why Women Don’t Understand It and Men Don’t Either

From the infidelities of politicians, entertainers, religious leaders, and athletes to the exponential rise of cybersex and porn addictions, the news is filled with stories of male sexuality run amok. Sexuality is one of the most crucial and misunderstood human energies and activities. It makes us feel alive and connected and opens up new levels of intimacy. It can also…

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Feeling Positive with Negative Ions

Feeling Positive with Negative Ions

By Traci Pedersen Negative ions are anything but negative when it comes to your health. Recent studies suggest that breathing in air that is abundant in negative ions can have a big influence on your feelings of well-being. So, what are negative ions and how do we gain exposure to them? Ions are atoms or molecules that have gained or…

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