5 Ways To Avoid Anxiety And Depression was originally published on Higher Perspective.

Do what you love.

This one probably makes sense, doesn’t it? Do the things you love and joy will come to you. Be persistent in them too. Always try to improve. Hike further than last time. Score more points than last time. Get more done than last time. Challenge yourself to get better at what you love.

Related: 5 Things You Need To Know If Someone You Love Is Depressed

Eat well.

Your mind needs good food in order to keep itself happy. Eat plenty of nutrient-dense foods like veggies, nuts, seeds, and starches. Treat yourself to some sweets now and then too. Eating the right food will help prevent depression.


Doing good for the world is good for you too. When you help others feel better, you yourself feel better. Those who volunteer are less likely to be depressed. So find a cause that you love and dedicate yourself to it.

Feel your feelings.

Don’t fight back your emotions. Instead, feel your feelings fully. Don’t stuff them away. If you need to cry, cry. If you need to scream, let it out. If you’re feeling mad, punch a punching bad. Feel those feelings fully.

Face your fears.

Don’t ever hesitate to face down your fears. Identify the things that make you feel insecure and kick their asses.

5 Ways To Avoid Anxiety And Depression was originally published on Higher Perspective.

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