
I recently spent a good deal of time with Matthieu Ricard, Buddhist monk and author of Altruism: The Power of Compassion to Change Yourself and the World. I had the good fortune to be present during his interview with Richard Gere, and later to sit down with Matthieu for a one-on-one interview. One of the common themes was compassion, and hearing him talk intimately about compassion, our behavior and the world in which we live, really moved me.

As Matthieu spoke, his words created a picture of a world in which all of us were thoughtful enough to be compassionate. If only! He helped me envision the type of world we could live in if everyone made decisions through the lens of compassion—putting ourselves in another’s shoes and understanding what they are going through instead of reaching a conclusion with ideas from our own minds—and moving forward mindfully with kindness.

The way I see it, compassion leads to kindness. Once you can relate to another person’s suffering, it becomes instinctual—you can’t help but treat them with kindness.

Shortly after the interview I found out that Deepak Chopra’s 2nd Annual Global Meditation for Compassion is taking place on July 11th, just a few short weeks away. The Chopra Center for Global Meditation anticipates that 500,000 people will participate from nearly every country in the world.

If you don’t believe me, try it out yourself and join me in this crusade of compassion. Imagine the people we will touch when we bond together in this common goal. To participate in this free event click here. Once you register you will receive an email with important details needed to access the virtual event.


Rose Caiola
Inspired. Rewired.

Click here to find out more about Rose’s thoughts on wellbeing and health

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