In an exclusive interview with Rose Caiola, Dr. Deepak Chopra shares the secret to finding balance and peace during stressful times. He draws from insights written in his new book, “Super Genes: Unlock the Astonishing Power of Your DNA for Optimum Health and Well-Being,” coming out November 10th.

Rose Caiola
Inspired. Rewired.

Rewire Me interviews the top health, wellness and spirituality experts from around the world. Each is chosen based on his/her contributions to their respective field and how their field has contributed to Rose Caiola’s own personal journey of transformation. Each interview is intended to provide the Rewire Me community with newfound knowledge and awareness to help them along their path of self-discovery. To see all of the interviews go to Rewire Me Media. To keep up to date with the latest video releases, like us on Facebook, Follow us on Twitter and Subscribe to our channel on YouTube. And remember to stay inspired.

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