Suggestions for how to triage your inbox and remain connected to those who matter most.

Suggestions for how to triage your inbox and remain connected to those who matter most.
I’m living a much bigger and better life than I ever imagined—and having heart disease is part of it
When a promising relationship ended recently, I knew I needed help understanding what was at the bottom of its tumultuous ups and downs. A trusted therapist-by-day and friend-by-night suggested I read up on attachment disorders, in particular the damaging patterns created by mothers who are emotionally ambivalent toward their very young children. Not anything you would consciously remember, of course,…
An editor once remarked after reviewing the third revision of an essay I was trying to perfect, “You’ve rewritten this so many times it’s turned brown.” Her analogy to children who color and recolor the pictures in a coloring book was spot-on. I had tweaked the essay too much. Instead of a simple message that floated off the page, it…