is a singer, humanitarian and writer, but more than that, she’s a person of faith who believes deeply in the power of prayer. In her book, Miraculous Silence: A Journey to Illumination and Healing through Prayer, she approaches the subject of prayer from a position of inclusiveness, starting by making sure the reader knows she is not promoting any particular religion. She introduces her concepts by asking the reader to let go of any judgments, with the understanding that she has done the same.

Mitra Rahbar
Mitra Rahbar

Rahbar walks us through the development of our own sense of internal and external space. She highlights the way we divide our time into specific slots. We turn our days into something I’m famous for: a list of to-dos. And we fill our emptiness with technology and noise; I’m a little guilty here, too. We feel busy and frantic, but empty all the same. Rahbar taps into a yearning in all of us, the need to slow down and feel our way into ourselves, into our spirit, and sit in the presence of the divine silence.

Although we complain there’s never enough time, we neglect the sacred space Rahbar speaks of in Chapter 2; for it’s within that space that we find time to rest at peace, commune with God and connect to the energy around us.

miraculous silenceThroughout Miraculous Silence, we learn the origins of prayer, what it means to pray, how to do it, where to do it and why.

I loved the author’s sincerity, serenity and warmth. There were no sharp edges or hidden agendas, no clinical distance. Rahbar is present herself and to the reader. She’s aware and available.

Something in Rahbar’s style sets an example, beyond the words on the page. She models authenticity and stillness, showing us that those qualities reside not only in her, but also within us. She asks us to pray, to sink deeply into our prayers and lift ourselves up through them. She asks us to allow our lives to become a prayer and shows us how. In this way, her life serves as both prayer and answer.

To buy Miraculous Silence: A Journey to Illumination and Healing through Prayer by Mitra Rahbar, click here.


Rose Caiola

Inspired. Rewired.


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