New research shows that our brains’ gray matter holds secrets to understanding ourselves

New research shows that our brains’ gray matter holds secrets to understanding ourselves
Research is helping humanity
It turns out that boredom is the soil where creativity thrives
Mindfulness meditation lessens stress and boosts the immune function—not a bad start for better health
You can convert self-criticism into long-lasting learning processes that encourage you to become better at who you are, how you live, and what you do
In the right environment, the traits that cause A.D.H.D. are assets, not disabilities. Considering the right situations, not medications, for the individual is a crucial first step
Unlinking a traumatic memory from the environment in which it occurred may jump-start the healing process
Spoiler alert: It features kale, turmeric, and cocoa powder
Making neurons responsive to light may lead the way to everything from erasing painful memories to restoring vision