Words vs. Pictures vs. Sounds

Words vs. Pictures vs. Sounds

“Just do what I do,” my father said. He started up the VW bus as I watched him from the shotgun seat. His hand moved the gearshift, his feet danced on the pedals. He shifted from first to second to third gear and back again several times as I scanned his movements. After one spin around the block, we switched…

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3 Techniques to Improve Decision-Making

3 Techniques to Improve Decision-Making

For extreme “maximizers” like myself – as psychologists refer to those who strive to maximize the return on every choice they make – life isn’t so much a series of choices as it is a string of never-ending rejections. What decisions come do so grudgingly. And they tend to be backloaded with regrets and second-guesses. It can be challenging to…

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